The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) offers multidisciplinary research and consultancy services

200 studies

since our foundation

CSES was founded in 1999 and has developed expertise in ten Practice Areas including research and innovation, entrepreneurship and access to finance, industrial policy, investment promotion, education and culture, justice and home affair, regional development and Brexit.

CSES has undertaken an extensive range of work in the UK, the rest of Europe and other international markets for clients such as the UK Government, the NHS, the European Commission, European Parliament, EU Agencies, the European Investment Bank, the Committee of the Regions, the European Economic Area, and international clients such as the European Science Foundation, the United Nations and the World Bank.

CSES Europe is a Dublin-based wholly-owned subsidiary of CSES LLP and was set up in June 2018 to ensure continuity in the provision of services to the EU institutions post-Brexit.

CSES personnel come from a diverse range of subject backgrounds and evaluation and research disciplines, including economics, law, political and social sciences and cybersecurity.

CSES provides consultancy services to clients in the UK, the rest of the Europe and other international markets. Our main services relate to:



We undertake impact assessments to help develop new programmes and policies, feasibility studies to develop economic strategies (e.g. in the regional development field), and assignments to review and improve the performance of organisations.

  • Feasibility studies

  • Impact assessments 

  • Development of strategies

  • Performance improvement



We undertake all types of evaluation work (ex-ante, interim or mid-term, ex-post, etc) and have expertise in the use of a broad range of evaluation methods and tools.

  • Programme evaluation

  • Policy evaluation

  • Evaluation of legislation


CSES has the expertise and methodological tools required to carry out research across the full range of strategy and evaluation assignments. We regularly use innovative research methods and approaches such as focus groups and mediated workshops, statistical analysis and econometric modelling. Read more


CSES focuses on ten Practice Areas

Ten sectors

where CSES has particular expertise



Each Practice Area is led by a senior member of the team. We cover a wide range of themes:

  1. Cohesion policy/Local and regional development

  2. Internal market

  3. Sector studies

  4. SMEs and industrial policy

  5. Education and culture

  6. Research and innovation

  7. Employment and social affairs

  8. Justice and home affairs

  9. Environment

  10. Evaluating legislation, fitness checks and legal reviews

Learn more about Practice area→ or see Assignment Examples→


CSES operates in the UK, the rest of Europe and other international markets, serving a wide range of public and private sector clients, including:


CSES has supported a range of clients such as :

  • Government Departments
  • Local and Regional Authorities
  • the NHS
  • the UK IPO Office
  • ACAS

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Our European work primarily consists of evaluations and impact assessments. CSES has undertaken an extensive range of work for EU clients including:

  • European Commission, European Parliament, EU Agencies 
  • European Investment Bank
  • Committee of the Regions
  • Evaluation of Legislation

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Assignments have been carried out for:

  • United Nations
  • World Bank and International Finance Corporation
  •  International organisations

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